Wednesday, August 12, 2009


I have found a searing rock in the persecuted church... the knowledge of it and of its members lays on my mind like acid--eating through me until there's nothing left but what is honest and pure... and I see plainly my hesitations to abandon myself for the kingdom.

I read accounts of persons who risk their lives on a daily basis to smuggle Bibles into areas hostile to the Gospel--and I think about my five Bibles that sit at home. (Three probably in the closet) I remember that sometimes I feel lethargic about reading it; sometimes I even avoid it because I know God will challenge me to something I'm not ready to answer "yes" to quite yet... sometimes I avoid it because it's just so CUTTINGLY SIMPLE--its words whittle deceptions and complexities down quickly to the-Truth or not-the-Truth. And yet Christians are DYING on a routine basis just to give somebody the OPPORTUNITY to decide whether or not to be apathetic. I read about Christians who are beaten for their faith--they live in inhumane conditions day after day after day... they are doggedly steadfast. They refuse to disappear into a life of secret conversion but instead WILLINGLY display their faith at the cost of shame and pain, not only involving them but also their families. They're not afraid to SACRIFICE. Every spare moment they have is used to praise God or pray for someone or smuggle another Bible, lead a hymn, encourage a Christian brother or sister... and it makes me consider the manner in which I use my time.

Sometimes I just don't feel like going to church. It's terrible, but many times I feel I learn more about God and His word at home, in the solitude of my room, in the quiet of my own mind. Less distraction, you know. Most of the time I would be pretty willing to skip the service and remain at my desk. But I'm reminded of God's warning not to forsake our gathering together--and I think about those who are living under hateful scrutiny in far off lands... I see the clandestine meetings of the underground church--I see people warranting their own death just to keep the weekly prayer service in the cellar!! And I think, WHAT FOR??!???! Is having a physical church body worth risking your life?!? Worship God at home!! BUT THEY WON'T!! To them, going to church is sacred. Being too intimidated to hold a service to worship the name of God is letting the devil take over the resurrection... and if we won't go to church here, we strip ourselves of the RIGHT to congregate!! We say, "This isn't important to us. We wouldn't even care if our religious freedom were taken." Don't we American Christians get it??? We HAVE TO FIGHT for Christianity in PUBLIC!! The world is already on a speeding train to hell... we've got to contend for every chance we have to make a ripple, keep the faith in action, keep it on the forefront... keep it of consequence at all. We have to keep on rejecting non-Biblical aspects of our culture, and defending human rights, and praying in public and going to church! We have to keep reading our Bibles and having our Bible studies, even if attending them leaves us more confused and frustrated than before.

Our cause is glorious! Christ is worthy... where are all those who will lay themselves down and not fear for the body!! Where are those who will lose the whole world but gain their souls??? The persecuted church is a golden example of endurance. Tenacity. Read the stories... pray for those who are being tortured in our places. In the words of John Piper, DON'T WASTE YOUR LIFE. "You were bought with a price..." The church is the remaining fortress on the earth, holding the pearl of life in God--let us defend it as a bride who refuses to denounce her true love.

The persecuted church is a scalding coal on my readiness to activate lofty ideas, to recognize a motivation higher than fear, to crucify any molecules that slipped out from under the knife before... and I am scalded.

"People don't come to church for preachments, of course, but to daydream about God." -Kurt Vonnegut

Oh, dear Lord. Let us hear... but then let us DO according to Your will. (James 1:22)
May You return to a faithful virgin bride.

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